The Making of a CORREL Manager

The Making of a CORREL Manager

First of all, we at the Corporate Relations Department welcome everyone with a passion to learn something new, and that is, marketing. While the marketing we do in Celadon is quite different from marketing for a company, we essentially aim for the same thing: getting the contact person to say “yes” to our proposal. What we want to cultivate in our members is the understanding that while not everyone will react favorably to our proposals, there will definitely be some, given the right amount of time and persuasion, or simply due to their connection to Celadon, who will accept it. And the joy and satisfaction from this success will definitely make this endeavor worth it.

What Makes a CorRel Manager/ Core?

A creative mind who can think in different perspectives is one powerful asset for the marketer. Given the available resources laid out for him, a creative marketer is able to design and present proposals that will make it seem irresistibly beneficial for the prospective company. In addition, he must be able to think of other possible privileges, outside the standard benefits of being a sponsor, that may perk the interest of a certain sponsor.

A manager or core in our department also entails being very patient: waiting, calling, and waiting again for the company to reply with a definite answer, more often a “no” rather than a “yes”. It is just like marketing in the “real world”; one cannot expect the immediate approval, or even interest, of the possible clients he has contacted. However, if one is creative and persistent enough, sooner or later, one is bound to gain a piece of the pie eventually –  a piece, no matter how small, or how difficult it was to obtain, is still a huge victory for any marketer.

Lastly, a CorRel manager or core should always remember to research, research and research.  Only when we are armed with the enough knowledge about our prospective sponsors will we be able to understand what they need and want.  It will also serve to make the clients feel more important when they realize that effort has been expended to know more about them, and this can ensure that our relationship with them will start on the right foot.

From the Corporate Relations Department of ‘16-’17: Alexander Españo, Clarissa Chua, and Selena So.

Written by Selena So.

Download the Manager’s Application Kit here:

Check out the other inspirational pieces from the President, Executive Vice-President, and other departments:

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